Counting Sheep

Counting Sheep


🎫 Submit a New Ticket

Ticket submissions are for reporting bugs, or requesting features you'd like to see implemented in the Backend.

(Please be as descriptive as possible when submitting a new ticket. Thank you!)


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The Backend has been updated! Refresh this page as soon as you are able to.
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Enable/Disable Mobile App Auth 2FA

Enable (or disable) Mobile App based two factor authentication for your account. After entering in your username and password when logging in, you will log on to your mobile device that your Authenticator app is set up on, and enter in the 6 digit pin code that is shown for the "Backend" in that app. If you ever lose access to a code, you may email Hamlin Data who can help you back into your account.

You can use the Google Authenticator App, the Authy app, or any other applicable authentication mobile app, if you prefer one over the other.

Enable/Disable Email 2FA

Enable (or disable) email-based two factor authentication for your account. After entering in your username and password when logging in, you will receive an email at containing a 6 character alpha-numeric code to enter in for 2FA. The code is valid for 5 minutes from the time of submitting your username and password. Logging in cannot be done without entering in the 2FA code if 2FA is enabled.